Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Golden Autumn

By Linda aka Freyja on November 25, 2013

I have not blogged in quite a while for various RL reasons, none of them too fun unfortunately. However, I have had a bit of energy returning at least and doing something creative seemed like a good idea. So, I dug out a few things from the current (but soon to be over) round of We Love Role-Play; the Sultana dress from Apsara, the bracers from GSpot’s Dyonysos Bride and the earrings from Bliensen+MaiTai.

Golden Autumn

I love the colours and the texture of the Sultana dress in “Fall Leaves”; its so bold and vibrant. I couldn’t resist pairing it with even more red through my Exile hair, the lovely “Dream of Paradise” updo.  My skin is Tuli’s Tanya, recently re-released along with a number of her other skins.

Golden Autumn

My accessories quite autumnal too, from the Dewdrop earrings in Red Gold by Bliensen+MaiTai to the incredibly intricate bracers in Autumn Gold from Dyonysos Bride by GSpot. This set also includes a gorgeous crown which unfortunately did not work with this particular hair.

I do have an itch to photo a bit more so I hope to catch up on a few other long overdue items in the coming week. But with Christmas lurking around the corner I can’t be sure I will manage as much as I would like.

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