Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Skin Fair: Sunny from Tuli

By Linda aka Freyja on March 14, 2014

Skin Fair is now open and it is time for my second skin review, featuring Sunny from Tuli. I am always glad to see Tuli back in Second Life and Sunny is hopefully a sign of more good things to come as it appears to be something of a special edition for the fair. This post also features the Rosalie hair from Calico which is a new release available at a discount through this month’s

We Love Role-Play as well as the Cassis necklace from Bliensen+MaiTai for the same event.

Skin Fair: Sunny from Tuli

Sunny comes in three tones at the fair—tone 2, tone 3 and tone 4, which would suggest a tone 1 is also in the works for the full release—and I decided to wear the darkest of the available tones for this tropical excursion.

Sunny’s body looks to be an updated version of the most recent Tuli lines, Delicate and Radiance, with some shifts in the strengths of highlights and what appears to be a touch more skin texture grain. I have always liked Tuli’s bodies and this one is no exception; it fits the “idealised realism” spectrum very well.

If there was one thing I’d like to see improved a touch it would be the default breast shading. It feel just a touch off to me, and the nipples seem to be a little oval, which may suggest that they deviate ever so slightly from the usual placement on the avatar mesh. But Sunny also comes with a very nice subtle cleavage option, as well as a natural option and a push-up option, so there should be something for everyone.

Skin Fair: Sunny from Tuli

I have no complaints about Sunny’s backside, however! A good rear-view is always a must and Sunny does not disappoint. This isn’t just about the nice bottom, however. The back shows the same attention to details as they front, a hallmark of a good skin.

Speaking of that, I must admit I was a bit disappointed in the overall quality of the Skin Fair. I picked up quite a few demos and after going through them I had only found a couple more skins that really appealed to me. Then again, that’s probably good for my virtual bank account.

Skin Fair: Sunny from Tuli

Finally, a closer look at Sunny’s face. There is just a single makeup available at the fair, but that hopefully means that more will be released later on. It is a fairly subtle makeup which I think would work well for a number of looks.

I really like Sunny’s face and the amount of skin grain/skin texture in it. It feels more alive than some of the very smooth skins out there today and freckles are always a nice touch. I quite like the lips as well, they feel quite natural in their shape and texture.

The Rosalie hair from Calico is a bit of a retro style with a partial updo and carefully styled curls. It comes with an option flower accessory and both the hair colour and the accesory colour are hud control. Together with the simple Cassis necklace (and the matching earrings) I think the end result was a suitable look for a sultry, tropical location.

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