Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Art Decadent

By Linda aka Freyja on June 30, 2014

It did not take long for Dutchie to give me a reason to shed my clothes once more, as the latest release—the Art Deco living room set—comes in both a PG and an Adult version. Froukje Hoorenbeek was kind enough to drop the Adult set on me earlier today and I had to take it for a spin right away. As it happened, it turned out to be a great way to give my Physique mesh body another workout and to showcase my new stockings from Adam n Eve and my new heels from lassitude & ennui.

Art Decadent

Both versions of the Art Deco living room set include four pieces; a sofa, two chairs and a table. The style of the set is inspired by 1930’s Swedish design and the sofa and the chairs come with four fabric options - the plain cream seen here and 3 patterned options - which allows it to fit in with a range of different looks. The total land impact of the whole set is just 19 prims.

The chairs have no adult poses but come with 10 male and 10 female animations in each. Some of the animations attach props, such as coffee mugs or books.

Art Decadent

The sofa is the star of the set, especially in the Adult version, which includes over 100 animations. We found that there was great variety to be had, with the cuddle, kiss and foreplay menus including some particularly great options that express a lot of emotion and intimacy.  It was very hard deciding which animations to feature in this post.

Art Decadent

The animations can be played individually and then there are a number of premade sequences that will go through a chain of selected animations. They tend to flow quite smoothly into one another, creating a realistic sequence of events. Quite a few of the animations are motion captured and the overall quality is very high.

Art Decadent

To finish off, just a little look at one of the steamier animations. There’s a number of menus dedicated to full-on sex, covering a wide range of positions and moods. For some acts/positions there’s a number of different variations, which can be great if you find that some do not work for your avatar size/shape. Of course, you also have menus for adjusting your position, which can help with a lot of issues.

This is a very impressive set, both when it comes to the modelling and the texturing and of course the animations.

As noted, I am wearing the Physique mesh body from Slink (alas, there’s nothing such for men as of yet, so Ran is stuck with the standard avatar) and this time I am wearing the Shirin skin from DeeTalez with matching Physique appliers. Ran is wearing one of his Abyss skins - they really hold up incredibly well. My hair is another Alice Project release for Rhapsody, called Blue Jeans. My lace stockings are Physique appliers from Adam n Eve (sachi has been busy busy busy making appliers!) and my shoes are the Bijou heels in red from lassitude & ennui for the medium Slink feet. Its a simply but elegant shoe which fits a lot of occasions, including being naked on a sofa!

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