Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

The Winter Maiden

By Linda aka Freyja on December 10, 2014

Still waiting for something resembling winter to make an appearance around here. Maybe more snowy pictures in Second Life is the key to reminding the weather what its supposed to be like? It also gives me the opportunity to show off a new fantasy skin from PXL for We Love Role-Play as well as a set of seasonal pauldrons from ieQED for the same event.

The Winter Maiden

But first, lets take a look at the Fomhar dress from lassitude & ennui. There’s a wild feeling about this dress but it is also quite beautiful, with a lovely suede texture.

The Obsession sandals, here in white, are also from lassitude & ennui. The high heel may not be strictly right for this look, but I I thought the ropes matched well with the wraps on the dress.

The Winter Maiden

The skin from PXL is a version of the Mia face that comes in three tones for We Love Role-Play: pale, blue tinted and pink tinted. I am wearing the blue tinted version here with the most neutral of the three makeups (there’s also one with a strong lip and one with a very lovely fantasy eye) and with the white eyebrows (you get quite a range of colours with each skin). I really like the frosty feel that the blue tint gives; its fantastical without being an outright blue skin.

The holly pauldrons from ieQED come with a HUD which changes the leaves and the berries separately, allowing for a fully christmassy look or something less obvious.

My hair is from Exile and the backdrop is a combination of trees from Studio Skye and a landscape from Landscapes Unlimited. Yes, you’ll be seeing a lot more of the latter from now on.

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