Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Sail Away

By Linda aka Freyja on July 21, 2015

I’ll be trying to get a few quick posts up today, or maybe just prepared in advance, since I am probably going on a bit of vacation (unless the weather gets even worse, that is). But that’s why I’ll be a bit briefer than usual.

The Vita necklace and earrings (which come in nine pearl colours and five metals) by ieQED for Shiny Shabby seemed like just the thing for a beachy setting, so I went off to the Sn@tch sale (alas, I believe it ended yesterday) and hunted down a mesh bikini. Eliza is a cute tied model with a nice pattern and several vibrant colours included. You get both a rigged version (top and bottom all in one) and unrigged versions of the top and bottom separately.

The hair is one of Wasabi Pills Hair Fair releases, Saffron.

Sail Away

The skin is Adam n Eve’s Chelsea on Slink Physique and I just love the way sachi has done the stomach on her latest skin line. In tone D it looks like you’ve picked up a pretty dark tan, which seems about right for sailing around Las Arenas Rosadas.

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