Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Loyal Companions

By Linda aka Freyja on October 15, 2015

It is drawing near to that time of the year when Second Life is invaded by pumpkins, ghosts and assorted frightful things. The TAG! Gacha would appear to be fully embracing Halloween for its upcoming edition, which opens October 17th, and the same can (unsurprisingly) be said for the Wayward Halloween gacha.

Loyal Companions

First, meet Rip and Zip. I swear, I have not been feeding them too little, they just run a bit lean. They are the two rares in Jian’s set for the TAG! Gacha, appropriately named the Cuddle Creepers.  They are all animated and wearable and quite adorably scary.

Sitting on my shoulders and giving me good advice are two imps from lassitude & ennui’s contribution to the TAG! Gacha, the Mischievous Imps. These are a pair of the commons, the whispering imp and the crouching imp. The rares include a very badly mannered imp, to say the least.

The TAG! Gacha also includes a mystery rare from each vendor, but those have yet to be revealed and you will simply have to brave your luck with the gacha to have a chance to see those before they are unveiled.

The decor includes a new set from paper moon, featuring bloodstained curtains and a bloodstained rug. This is paper moon’s prize for the Nightmare Event.

Loyal Companions

My makeup as well as the tattoo layers on my body that you can see peeking out from under the dress are by Luxuria for the Wayward Halloween gacha. The Doll Parts set includes both layers to create a cracked porcelain doll look and for a ragdoll look. Makeups come only as tattoo layers but the rare body parts come as appliers as well.

My hair is from Olive’s gacha at the Gathering, the dress is by the Plastik and the pale skin beneath the makeup is Tuli’s Willow. Poses by oOo Studios and throne by Rustica.

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