Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Plastik Elegance

By Linda aka Freyja on January 01, 2016

Despite all the landscaping I have done lately, I thought I would start off the new blogging year with a shot with less focus on my surroundings, in order to highlight one of my favourite things in Second Life: jewellery. And as it happened, the Plastik just released two gorgeous new earrings at their mainstore. An excellent excuse for a couple of profile photos, which also illustrate why mesh heads have not been a hit with me; try finding one that has a profile even vaguely in this direction and you will find its pretty much all cute button noses and rather flat faces. So, that’s my mini-rant for the new year, but now onto the goodies!

Plastik Elegance

First up we have the Arambe earrings. These beautiful, leaf-shaped and floral-engraved mesh earrings would fit fantasy as well as fashion looks. Three sizes—small, regular and large—are included (this is the regular size) and they come with a HUD that offers 30 colour combinations, both solid colours and two-toned ones like this one.

Plastik Elegance

The Arahe earrings are a lighter, more feminine design with loops and swirls, again easily worn with a variety of looks. The setup is the same as for the Arambe earrings, with three sizes (here I am wearing the small) and a HUD with 30 colour combinations.

The gorgeous pale skin is Tuli’s Maya in tone 0 and the hair is Calico’s Aiyana updo.

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