Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Royal Courtesan

By Linda aka Freyja on July 17, 2016

It isn’t just Romp that is giving a look at the kinkier side of Second Life right now. The current round of the Fantasy Collective caters to a particular kind of fantasies and it is there that we find this bold Courtesan gown from Fallen Gods & Faida. Another pair of ongoing events are the Secret Affair and of course Hair Fair, both represented with new releases from Noble Creations and LeLutka.

Royal Courtesan

The King’s Throne from Noble Creations is on sale at the Secret Affair. The package includes the full setup seen here, with dais, throne, candles and a shield leaning against the throne. The throne comes with sits for male and female avatars, but I am actually using one of the Majesty poses from oOo Studios as I wanted a pose rather than an animation for the photo.

Royal Courtesan

One of my favourites from this years Hair Fair is this style from LeLutka. The hairnet makes it perfect for a roleplay style, and the loose tendrils that frame the face add something tousled and sexy to it.

The Courtesan gown from Fallen Gods & Faida comes in standard sizes (it is a new colour of a previous release) and includes a HUD with texture options for the bodice and the skirt (the base stays black, however).

The bold necklace and the matching earrings is the Vita set from ieQED and my skin is once again Tuli’s Maya in T3. The tapestry in the background is from Paper Moon.

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