Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Slink Dynamic Hands

By Linda aka Freyja on March 23, 2017

Today I thought I would take a bit of an overdue look at the bento update to the Slink hands which came out a few weeks ago. And, seeing as we’re talking about bento, a video was of course in order to show the new possibilities with these hands. I also took the opportunity to show off the FATE Hand Poser and several sets of new manicures from the Plastik, as well as featuring two new releases from the Ostara’s Altar event (which I ended up calling Altar of Ostara in the video) since that suited the beautiful spring weather we’ve had today.

Slink Dynamic Hands


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Cate, Mayfly eyes
Skin: YS&YS Kirsten Tone 02 (Skin Fair)
Cosmetics: The Plastik Various Nailpolishes (The Secret Affair)
Hair: Little Bones Potion
Clothes: Senzafine Ziya (Ostara’s Altar)
Decor: Paper Moon Ostara Altar Cloth (Ostara’s Altar), HEXtraordinary Druids Temple Ruins

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