Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Vintage Vixen

By Linda aka Freyja on June 15, 2017

I am a little bit behind, only now getting around to giving you a look at the Vintage Fair. But I am starting to be less and less eager to beat down the doors of an event on the first day—much nicer to be able to browse with a bit less lag. As the Vintage Fair stretches over two whole sim, you will need a fair bit of time to go through it even with less of a crowd around, so now is definitely a good time. In this post, I am taking a look at Adam n Eve, deviousMind, Roawenwood and Paper Moon, plus a hair from Wasabi Pills (not from the Vintage Fair).

Vintage Vixen

Starting with the decor, the furnishings are all from Roawenwood, with the chair being the centre piece of this set. I did not have Ran available to try it out with me, so I will have to show you its pose collection at a later point. Being Roawenwood, it is of course an adult chair, with a nice selection of spanking poses.

The decor on the walls is from Paper Moon. These sets of decals are a great way of transforming a space to instantly give it a very different feel. For each motif you get several different colour options and they can of course be resized and made more or less transparent.

The sexy little sequin dress is from deviousMind and this time it comes with a Physique fit as well as Hourglass and Maitreya, which makes me a happy girl. The dress can be opaque (as seen here) or sheer and you have colour options for the pearls plus an optional feather ruffle skirt/bustle.

Vintage Vixen

Adam n Eve has several new releases out at the Vintage Fair, including this Natalie skin which comes as an applier for LeLutka, Catwa and Omega as well as a system skin. This is the Omega version, worn on LightStar Athena. A dress to complete the femme fatale look as well as matching opera gloves are also available at the Fair.

My hair is not quite vintage, but I really liked how this style from Wasabi Pills frames the face.


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LightStar Athena, Mayfly eyes
Skin: Adam n Eve Natalie T0 (Vintage Fair)
Hair: Wasabi Pills Strawberry (FaMESHed)
Clothes: deviousMind Chantalle PearlDress Onyx (Vintage Fair)
Decor: Roawenwood Roxie Chair Set (Vintage Fair), Paper Moon Art Deco Decals (Vintage Fair)

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