Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Goddess Rising

By Linda aka Freyja on June 29, 2017

Time for another set from the Lootbox gacha. This one comes from deviousMind and is called Bastet for the Egyptian cat-headed goddess. No surprise, then, that it is full of Egyptian imagery and features a cat-head mask as well. The particular version shown in these images is the Goddess Rare in beautiful turquoise. On top of that, there is a secret rare as well.

Goddess Rising

There are a total of 15 commons divided across 5 sets (Mask&Collar, OrnamentTop, OrnamentSkirt, PearlBelt, SilkTop) and each in 3 colours.

The set comes as fitted mesh for Maitreya and Physique Hourglass, and I am wearing the latter here.

Goddess Rising

To setup this scene, I used another sky landscape from Landscapes Unlimited and added Egyptian decor from Kalopsia. I really like how the windlight for these photos came out, it gave the first image in particular a very interesting feel.


Body Parts: Slink Physique Hourglass body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Cate, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro Chi Bronze
Hair: Astrology Horror
Clothes: deviousMind Bastet Goddess Rare (Lootbox)

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