Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy


By Linda aka Freyja on August 08, 2017

This will be quick and dirty (well, okay, it could have been dirtier…) since we got back from two weeks of vacation yesterday and are taking off for the WorldCon in Helsinki in a few hours. I haven’t had the chance to blog at all during my vacation as the connection was too poor and my laptop too sluggish, so I have a list a mile long of review copies to get through. I’ve also not had the chance to check out any events that opened in this time frame, but most of the catch-up will have to wait until next Monday when I am back home for real. In the meantime, I simply had to show one of the many new releases from Voluptas Virtualis as well as the new skin from alskametro and two new releases from the Plastik.




Body Parts: Slink Physique Hourglass body, Slink hands & feet, LightStar Maya, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro Sunny Tone 4 (Mesh Body Addicts Fair)
Cosmetics: Slink Body Sheen and Details (Mesh Body Addicts Fair)
Hair: Wasabi Pills Deanna (FaMESHed)
Clothes: Voluptas Virtualis Vickie Sheer (The Liaison Collaborative)
Accessories: The Plastik Nyota Cuffs (Fetish Fair)
Decor: Roawenwood Madam Lyla Parlor Couch (Fetish Fair), The Plastik Strapped Mirror Lean Silver (Fetish Fair)

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