Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Sweet Samira

By Linda aka Freyja on September 26, 2017

The Lootbox gacha event opened just before I left for the weekend, so I managed to get some plays in, which included winning the rare from Analog Dog on my first try. Not my usual luck! I also played the Jian Avian Arcana gacha and came away with some nice birds that I have to work into a post soon enough. But this one is all about this gorgeous belly dancing set from deviousMind.

Sweet Samira

The Samira silks is definitely one of the best mesh silks I have seen, with drapery and rigging that really manages to simulate movement even though the skirt is static when you’re still. And the texturing is to die for.

The gacha consists of 2 sets (bra & silk tails and ornament lingerie) in 8 common colors, for a total of 16 commons. There are also three lootboxes: Pearl, Tribal and a Secret Rare.

The set I am wearing here is Raspberry, one of the common colours, and I am wearing the Hourglass fit.

Sweet Samira

The hair is Sigma C, one of three variants of the Sigma style included in the Rare lootbox from Analog Dog. I love the way the hair is fitted to the head and then has all these braids and loose curls.

I am using poses from Nantra, specifically the Kismet set released for Genre for the Moroccan round.


Body Parts: Slink Physique Hourglass body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Cate, Mayfly eyes
Skin: PXL Ava Olive
Hair: Analog Dog Sigma C (Lootbox)
Clothes: deviousMind Samira Raspberry (Lootbox)
Poses: Nantra Kismet

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