Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Winter Opal

By Linda aka Freyja on November 07, 2017

I know, I know. Autumn has barely begun and I am doing snow & ice pictures. But I really couldn’t think of a more fitting surrounding for the Opal skin from Fallen Gods, which has a lovely, icy feel thanks to the iridescent patterning. And since the idea was to show off the skin, I opted to pass on any clothing and simply accessorize with a hair from Truth and a new set of horns from the Plastik.

Winter Opal

Opal Pearl is available at We Love Role-Play for male and female avatars. The sets include body and head appliers, in Omega and Slink, plus appliers for Soul ears and Lotus genitals (male skin only).

Winter Opal

The Filigren horns come in three styles—bare (seen here), small filigree, large filigree—and there are a total of five huds (plus a bonus hud in the fatpack) available that offer different material looks when you colour up the horns.


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LightStar Maya, Mayfly eyes
Skin: Fallen Gods Opal Pearl (We Love Role-Play)
Hair: Truth Margarita
Accessories: The Plastik Filigren Horns Bare (We Love Role-Play)

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