Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy


By Linda aka Freyja on November 17, 2017

The second new face from alaskametro is Solace, a somber face that gives a melancholy look. I paired it with the Athena head from LightStar and dressed up in a recent release from Noble Creations, also with a grecian theme.


The Aphrodite gacha is available at the Fantasy Gatcha Carnival and the version of the dress seen here, with the golden breastplate/bodice is the UltraRare (also available in white). The pauldrons are Rare and there is also a Rare and a Common version of the dress.


Solace is available in Tone 1 through 5 and, like Harmony, for LeLutka, Catwa, Omega and classic avatars. This is probably my favourite of the three new faces, it is so expressive and unusual.


Body Parts: Slink Physique Hourglass body, Slink hands & feet, LightStar Athena, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro Solace Tone 1 (Sad November)
Cosmetics: alaskametro Astral Eyeshadow
Hair: Exile Wicked Games
Clothes: Noble Creations Aphrodite (Fantasy Gacha Carnival)

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