Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy


By Linda aka Freyja on November 20, 2017

Time for the third and final new face from alaskametro. Spark is a freckled, charming face which I paired with I see as the cutest of the LightStar mesh heads, Marian. But since I also decided to show off another new release from Poppy, this one for ROMP, things took a decidedly naughty turn with this post. The decor is all from the recently released November Deco(c)rate.


Minka is a bra and panty set with a separate harness for both top and bottom. It is available for Belleza Freya and Isis, Maitreya and Slink Hourglass and includes a HUD for recolouring the bra and panty as well as the accents on the harness.


With the previous Poppy set, I had some break-through issues in certain positions, but as you can see Minka plays nice even here.


And, of course, Minka can be quite a bit naughtier, as you don’t have to wear the bra and panty.


Body Parts: Slink Physique Hourglass body, Slink hands & feet, LightStar Marian, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro Spark Tone 3 (4mesh)
Hair: Wasabi Cody
Clothes: Poppy Minka (ROMP)
Decor: Bad Unicorn, Pewpew!, Sari-Sari(Deco(c)rate November 2017)

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