Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy


By Linda aka Freyja on January 09, 2018

With the holidays truly over, I am working on getting back into a good work routine, which is always a bit of a challenge when you work from home. There’s also the risk that comes with using the computer for both hobbies and work. Writing a blog post like this one isn’t so different from writing a blog post for, after all, but one is—strange as it still seems to me—work and the other is a hobby.


This is a bit of a step away from my usual colour palette, but I really liked the rose gold version of the accessories in the Arden hair from Wasabi (a gacha release for The Chapter Four which comes in two styles) and then I thought that this hue of the daring Andressa gown from Cynful completed it quite well. The collar comes with the dress and also offers different metal shades via a HUD and has the option of a built-in posture pose, which I use here.


Body Parts: Slink Physique Hourglass body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Cate, Mayfly eyes
Skin: PXL Ava Olive
Hair: Wasabi Arden Style 1 (The Chapter Four
Clothes: Cynful Andressa
Accessories: Cynful Andressa Choker
Pose: SweetLovelyCute

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