Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

A Bath for Two

By Linda aka Freyja on January 10, 2018

After two days of at least a little bit of cold weather and sunlight, its back to dreary and grey. Breeze, our boxer, is quite disappointed that he didn’t get to go tracking today as well (two days in a row counts as a new habit for him), but I had to focus on some less fun stuff such as book keeping. I also wanted to show off a recent acquisition, namely the Nicolina bathing tub from Trompe Loeil, available at the current round of FaMESHed. It went nicely together with some pieces from Libertine’s “In Praise of Bacchus” set and the Rustic Fireplace from HEXtraordinary for a past Deco(c)rate. I am not precisely wearing much, but I do want to point out the pretty crown from lassitude & ennui. I also had planned to show off the Logan head from Logo that Ran is wearing, but none of the shots turned out to be quite right for showing the head.

A Bath for Two

The tub is available in PG or Adult and includes two versions, one with and one without a lantern at the “prow”. There’s also a basket of towels included, but that looked too modern for this setup. I also skipped on the optional bath foam but left the rose petals in for a romantic touch.

Some examples of the couple poses, including one of the adult ones, after the close-up.

A Bath for Two

The Winter Mori Crown from lassitude & ennui is available at the new Etoile event and includes silver and gold versions as well. I love how it comes across tarnished and ages, the texturing is really excellent, and the shape of it is beautiful and unusual.

My hair is from Stealthic and I do love their hair textures, they look so lush and touchable.

A Bath for Two

A Bath for Two


On Freyja:

Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LightStar Maya, Mayfly eyes
Hair: Stealthic Sensual
Accessories: lassitude & ennui Winter Mori Crown Copper (Etoile)

On Ran:

Body Parts: The Mesh Project Deluxe male body, Logo Logan
Skin: Tableau Vivant Sebastian
Hair: Damselfly Zale

Decor: Trompe Loeil Nicolina Bathing Tub FaMESHed, Libertine In Praise of Bacchus (various pieces), HEXtraordinary Rustic Fireplace

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