Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Desert Wanderer

By Linda aka Freyja on January 25, 2018

As I work from home, getting up early is not necessarily what I am best at. Today, a somewhat early dog training session had me up and about earlier than usual, which led to an unscheduled midday nap. Cosy, but not terribly productive, and definitely one of the pitfalls of setting you own schedule. Another is that you might just be drawn into doing something else in front of the computer, such as coming up with a new photo idea. This one, I am quite pleased with, especially the more distant shot as it came out very moody and dramatic (if I may say so myself!).

Desert Wanderer

The starting point was the Wintry Cape from Noble Creations and it might seem like the wrong surroundings for it given the name. But I had been trying to figure out what to pair it with for a while, and then I tried it over the Alya outfit from On a Lark. Suddenly, I had something that felt right at home in a fantasy desert and off I went to buy the Sandstorm particles from Balderdash. The set includes six different particle effects, with and without fullbright enabled, and I am very pleased with the look of them.

Desert Wanderer

It was a bit tricky getting a hair that worked under the hood; an option to have the hood down would have made this cape more versatile. Lithe from Stealthic almost worked, but I did have to do some compositing to remove bits that stuck through the hood. A hair was definitely needed, though, I couldn’t quite sell the look with just a hairbase.


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Cate, Mayfly eyes
Skin: PXL Ava Olive
Hair: Stealthic Lithe
Clothes: Noble Creations Wintry Cape (The Seasons Story), On a Lark Alya Eggplant
Accessories: On a Lark Wildflower Sandals Black, HEXtraordinary Oaken Staff
Decor: Balderdash Sandstorm Particles

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