Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Delicate Chains

By Linda aka Freyja on February 04, 2018

It is not easy to find motivation to stay at the computer when we finally have some snow outside. Or time, for that matter, since the dog would prefer to be outside playing all the time. (Un)fortunately, the snow also came with a rather cold northern wind, which makes cozying up inside a little more appealing. The dog still insists, though, and sighs in a very suffering fashion if he doesn’t get what he want.

Given the cold, I opted for a warmer scenario for this post. I had picked up this rug with massage and cuddle animations from Roawenwood during a prior 25 Linden Tuesday and it came in handy for shooting one of the new sets from Voluptas Virtualis.

Delicate Chains

Siena is available at Kinky in fitmesh for Belleza Freya, Maitreya and Slink Hourglass. It is basically a chain lingerie set with bra, panties and garters. I admit, I would have liked to see matching stockings as well, either mesh or applier, as it was hard to find something that fit with this style.

On the wall behind us you can see a wall ornament from Paper Moon which I have tinted and made semi transparent to make it look part of the wall. I quite like the effect. These woodcut style ornaments come in two types, plaster or stamp.

Delicate Chains

I am wearing a new hair from Wasabi, the Clover updo which comes in two styles, both available at the current round of FaMESHed. Ran recently picked up a couple of hairs from Tram, including this style.


Body Parts: Slink Physique Hourglass body, Slink hands & feet, Vista Lia, Mayfly eyes
Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins Lima
Hair: Wasabi Clover Style 1 (FaMESHed)
Clothes: Voluptas Virtualis Siena (Kinky)
Decor: Roawenwood Meditation Garden Couples Cuddle & Massage Rugs v2, Paper Moon Woodcut Architectural Ornament Wall Decals

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