Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Adam n Eve’s Jenna

By Linda aka Freyja on March 23, 2018

This will be unusually brief, but I fell off during my riding lesson today and landed on my behind, so I am not sitting very comfortably. As a result, I am simply going to make a short and sweet introduction of Jenna, a new skin from Adam n Eve that is made exclusively for Vista’s bento heads. Jenna comes in the usual six tones from Adam n Eve and with four brow colours plus a no brow option. She was designed on Diana, the second of Vista’s two heads, but I think she looks just as good on Lia. To show her off, I decided to dabble in some close-up head shots, something I always find a little tricky. You will find Jenna at Vista’s mainstore.

Adam n Eve’s Jenna

Jenna on Vista Lia.

Adam n Eve’s Jenna

Jenna on Vista Diana.

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