Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy


By Linda aka Freyja on October 03, 2018

Much to my delight, sachi Vixen of Adam n Eve will be releasing her first gown in ages for the October round of We Love Role-Play which opens tomorrow. Without a purchase of one of her ballgowns back in 2007 we might never have met and become friends, so never underestimate the power of a pretty gown! The new gown, Henriette, started to take form after I suggested that sachi watch Versailles for some inspiration and I am delighted with how it came out. You will not want to miss checking it out at the event as it is being sold at 50% off.


As a backdrop for these photos I used the Pompeii Bathhouse from Tia—parts of it can pass well for an Italian Renaissance villa—and changed out some of the furnishings for this new set from Noble Creations, available at the Dubai Event.


I have shown the hair before, in my overview of Hair Fair favourites, but it is worth taking a second look at this style from F&M Oblivion.

The seated pose here is a very modified version of an animation included in the chair as it was not suitable for a large gown. This is actually something I wish all makers of furniture with a fantasy or historical look would try to address. You will have a lot of people using your furniture while wearing gowns and sitting down using an animation made for pants does not work well for a mesh gown.

To date, I have only found one set of poses (Majesty by oOo Studio) that has correct sits for a mesh gown. So perhaps it is posemakers and animators that need to make a few of these sets for furniture makers to use?


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Simone, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro Cora Tone 1
Hair: F&M Oblivion Lucrezia Borgia (Hair Fair)
Clothes: Adam n Eve Henriette Gold (We Love Role-Play)
Decor: Noble Creations Grand Chair & Table (Dubai Event), Tia Pompeii Bathhouse

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