Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Fanatik’s Dungan Castle

By Linda aka Freyja on October 30, 2018

I have a thing for castles, which meant that when Fanatik announced their latest release, the Dungan Castle, I pretty much knew I would have to get it even before I checked it out. I have already had plenty of mileage as far as photos goes from their previous castle, the Arkaig Castle, and the new one looked sufficiently different that I felt it would be a great addition to the photo locations on our sim. To give a sense of what it is like, I have done a video walk-through. Expect to see more of it in photos in the coming weeks!

Fanatik’s Dungan Castle

The castle is the star of the video, but I must say I was really happy with how this look came out. There is something very witchy about those green eyes and black hair which goes well with the black dress from Adam n Eve and the Magick necklace from lassitude & ennui. The latter includes a hud with several metal and crystal textures.

Fanatik’s Dungan Castle


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LightStar Maya, Mayfly eyes
Hair: Wasabi Shay (The Epiphany)
Clothes: Adam n Eve Henriette Black (We Love Role-Play)
Accessories: lassitude & ennui Magick Necklace (Serendipity
Decor: Fanatik Dungan Castle

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