Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

The Watcher

By Linda aka Freyja on November 08, 2018

Today’s post required a temporary gender swap to show off the latest release from the Dreaming Thicket, a classic Greek chiton. This also gave me the opportunity to belatedly show off a piece of decor from Noble Creations that I had not been able to work into a scene before. For my purposes, it works pretty well to just switch to a male body to show off male items, though it would have been nice to be able to have several avatars tied to the same inventory. If only to avoid looking a bit strange when wearing a male body and a female AO. Especially one made for gowns…

The Watcher

Anyway, here we have a look at the Vine chiton from the Dreaming Thicket for We Love Role-Play. It includes sizes for six male mesh bodies and comes in five colours. I really like the patterning of the hem and this combination of white and red struck me as very classical.

The hair from Wasabi is Stormy, which Ran already helped me blog once, but its so nice on a male avatar I had to bring it out again.

The Watcher

A close-up of the column can be seen in the first shot as well, but here we have the whole thing. It comes in two versions, Ionic (seen here) and Corinthian, as well as without leaves and with two options for the colour of the leaves.

Body Parts: Slink Physique Male body, Slink hands & feet, LightStar Rajan, Mayfly eyes
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins Jurre Steam
Hair: Wasabi Stormy (Uber)
Clothing: Dreaming Thicket Vine Chiton Madder (We Love Role-Play)
Decor: Noble Creations Antique Columns Ionic

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