Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Afternoon in Midas

By Linda aka Freyja on April 23, 2019

I started my coverage of the Fantasy Faire at Midas, the sim built by Alia Baroque of Fallen Gods Inc, and I couldn’t resist going back there for some more photos. In the end, I just got the one that I was happy with, it was a little too laggy at the time to setup more. But I think it gives a lovely look at one of the spots on the sim where you can hang out to enjoy the view. And, of course, of some more Fantasy Faire goodies, this time from Wasabi, the Annex and Eudora 3D.

Afternoon in Midas

The Rhiannon hair from Wasabi is one of two releases for the Fantasy Faire. It includes two styles, swept to the left and swept to the right, as well as size options. The usual colours are available and there’s a special colour pack available as the RFL donation item.

The Lavinia dress from the Annex is here shown in the special RFL colour and the pretty eyes from Musa are also from an RFL colour pack.

The final faire items are the earrings and armbands from Eudora 3D. These come from a gacha, so unfortunately it is not the whole set as I haven’t been that lucky! There’s also a very nice necklace and an elaborate blindfold.


Body Parts: Slink Physique Hourglass body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Cate, Vista eyes with Musa Amla Eyes RFL Edition appliers (Fantasy Faire - Sanguinely Garden)
Skin: PXL Ava Olive
Hair: Wasabi Rhiannon (Fantasy Faire - Midas)
Clothes: The Annex Lavinia RFL Gradient (Fantasy Faire - Tensor’s Flying Market)
Accessories: Eudora 3D Jezebal Earrings & Armbands Black and Silver (Fantasy Faire - The Shine Tree)

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