Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

My Vanity

By Linda aka Freyja on July 15, 2019

In my previous post, I mentioned having picked up the latest makeup release from Alaskametro, Summer Beauty. In this post, you’ll see a gradual addition of makeup from that set, matching a few of the animations available in Dutchie’s fantastic mid-century vanity. This stylish piece is such fun, with an excellent selection of animations. I had no idea there were so many animations for putting on makeup and brushing your hair available, but I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised when there are lifestyle/roleplay animations of so many other kinds available. I would have loved to do a video as well, but that doesn’t quite work when we’re not at home. As it is, I am really pleased with the photos, though I could easily have added twice as many because there were so many nice animations to pick from.

My Vanity

There are two menus with a total of 21 solo animations in the vanity which can be played individually or as part of 4 sequences. Many of the animations have auto-attaching props, 14 of them all in all. The props shown on the vanity are also provided individually as decor pieces.

There are two versions of the vanity, one with the animations rotated to the left and one with them rotated to the right. You also have a choice between brown or reddish wood for the vanity.

My Vanity

Putting the finishing touches to my eye makeup with a bit of mascara.

My Vanity

Looking at the result of the lipstick application in the mirror.

The charming two piece outfit is a new release from the Muses, available at We Love Role-Play. There’s another version there too, plus two outfits for guys.

My Vanity

And, finally, giving my hair a brushing to finish off my beauty routine. The hair is the latest VIP Group Gift from Truth.


Body Parts: Maitreya Lara body, Maitreya hands & feet, Vista Emily head, Mayfly eyes
Skin: Alaskametro Kate Tone 1
Cosmetics: Alaskametro Summer Beauty (Gloss)
Hair: Truth Alias (VIP Group Gift)
Clothes: The Muses Aya Red (We Love Role-Play)
Decor: Dutchie Mid-Century Vanity

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