Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

A Last Romp

By Linda aka Freyja on November 24, 2019

The current round of Romp ends tomorrow, so I wanted to squeeze in a look at two things from the event—a furniture set from Roawenwood and a pair of stockings from Luxuria. The furniture has poses for two and three avatars at once as well, but I didn’t have any extra bodies handy for these photos. The idea is that it is a “kennel” bed set (for girls, not dogs, even if my dogs would have liked the lower bed!) with solo animations that include various lays, a set of tasks (knitting, sewing, embroidering) and a set of beauty routine animations. The work animations auto-rez and attach props, but the beauty ones don’t, which I am not sure whether that is intentional or a glitch. There is also a “sisters” menu for two avatars, with hairbrushing and gossping, an adult menu for two female avatars, and a threesome menu (two females, one male) with cuddles and sex. The style of the set is pretty versatile, here I have it in a fairly rustic setting but I could see this kind of wood finish in a more modern room too.

Luxuria’s Heaven Thigh Highs (the writing on the back reads “this way to heaven”), which includes both appliers and system layers, comes in eight colours for easy matching with lingerie—or with nothing at all. ;)

A Last Romp

A Last Romp

A Last Romp


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, Slink Visage Emma, Mayfly eyes
Skin: DNA Female Skin Base 06
Hair: Wasabi Juniper
Clothes: Luxuria Heaven Thigh Highs (Romp)
Decor: Roawenwood Vilnai Kennel Beds Set (Romp), Rustica Gilded Candle Wallsconce

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