Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Entombed Oracle

By Linda aka Freyja on October 23, 2020

Alia Baroque’s Fallen Gods Inc is celebrating its 13th anniversary in Second Life with an almost month-long calendar of events. A traditional part of these celebrations is the return of the Fortune Teller, which as usual offers two fantastic skins with matching outfits, one for men and one for women. If you get lucky enough to win (it takes some luck and some patience!), you get both sets. I am wearing the female skin here, but instead of the included outfit I went for a new release from Faida for the Tomb of the Ancients event which combines shopping with an escape room experience. I have not tried out the latter, but the event definitely had a nice selection of vendors. I did not have a tomb to photo in, but I did have the awesome Crypt add-on for Fanatik’s Cave system.

Entombed Oracle

I really like the Oracle version of the Draugr line. It feels almost metallic in parts (or at least dusted with gold) and at the same time there is definitely a darkness to this skin. Overall, I think the Draugr line is one of the more interesting in terms of its shading.

Entombed Oracle

Faida’s Merith outfit is really nifty. It has a bit of an Egyptian vibe, half outfit and half mummy wrappings. Okay, very sexy mummy wrappings. ;) It includes sizes for Maitreya, Maitreya Petite and Maitreya Flat.


Body Parts: Maitreya Lara body, Maitreya hands & feet, LeLutka Lake head, FATE Oculi
Skin: Fallen Gods Draugr Oracle (Fortune Teller)
Hair: EMO-tions Hairpiece A with Hairbase 2.0
Clothes: Faida Merith (Tomb of the Ancients)
Poses: chanimations
Decor: Fanatik Caves - Crypt Chamber Add-On
Tools: PhotoPro (La Vie en Pose)

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