Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy


By Linda aka Freyja on March 05, 2021

A bit of fashion, a bit of home & garden, all set against a beautiful sunset that represents a first for me—I bought this lovely sky setting and the matching water on the Marketplace. EEP has its issues, for sure, but sellable and tradeable presets are a great idea. This particular preset is Mesmer from DHS and if you want to try it out for yourself there is a demo.

The reason that I started looking at buying a ready-made sky was that I am still not as comfortable working with EEP as with Windlight and I wanted a really nice sunset for showing off the setup I made with the deck from EED Home & Garden from the Home & Garden Expo together with the boulders from Fanatik’s Land Shapes set. On the deck I have also got a few decor pieces from Headhunter’s Island, also for the Home & Garden Expo.


My outfit is a combination of two recent releases from lassitude & ennui, the Fair Maiden boots for Enchantment and the Fianna dress for the newly opened round of We Love Role-Play. The hair is a really cute, thick pony tail from Wasabi for Anthem.


I really like the scrunchy on the pony tail. I am glad they’re back in fashion, though I never stopped using them. ;)


In addition to the deck, EED also offers a cosy and a blanket, both which can be used together with the deck to setup a nice place to relax. The items from Headhunter’s Island are part of a larger set that all go within a large tea pavilion, an exclusive for the event.


Body Parts: Maitreya Lara body, Maitreya hands & feet, LeLutka Lake head, LeLutka eyes
Skin: alaskametro Stella Tone 1
Hair: Wasabi Emani (Anthem)
Clothes: lassitude & ennui Fianna Dress Black (We Love Role-Play)
Accessories: lassitude & ennui Fair Maiden Boots Purple (Enchantment)
Decor: Fanatik Land Shapes Boulders, EED Home & Garden Deck (Home & Garden Expo), HeadHunter’s Island Beanbag with straps, Crate table, Green tea set (Home & Garden Expo)

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