Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Fantasy Faire 2021: The Hooded One

By Linda aka Freyja on May 03, 2021

Tall buildings strive towards the sky, light filters through colourful stained glass windows and ominous robed figures stand watch. In the middle of the city lies a great, fallen figure, entombed in stone. Somniatoris Arx, sponsored by ContraptioN, is one of the wonders of this year’s Fantasy Faire. Others have done wonderful work capturing images of the build, I opted for something more modest and tried to put together an outfit that echoed the mood of the sim.

For that, I went to the hood by Raven Bell, pairing that with a mask from Air and a gown from Kotolier, creating a mysterious figure in black and gold.

Fantasy Faire 2021: The Hooded One

The hood is available in two colour packs, one dark and one light, both containing one colour drenched in blood. It also includes several fits for female and male avatars.

Fantasy Faire 2021: The Hooded One

The dress comes in two versions, with and without frills on the skirt, and the included HUD gives you the option of a plain or brocaded top.

The mask from Air comes in silver and gold and in left half, right half and complete.

Fantasy Faire 2021: The Hooded One


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Lake head, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro T3W Lydia Tone 0
Clothes: Kotolier Dress Fraurein (no frill) (Fantasy Faire 2021 - J’adoube)
Accessories: Raven Bell Obsidian Hood (Fantasy Faire 2021 - Somniators Arx), Air Maschera a un’ala Gold (Fantasy Faire 2021 - J’adoube)
Poses: Musa Gown Poses

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