Just Chilling
The Popsicle hair from Wasabi for The Fifty is a style that says party to me. In this case, it turned out to be a pool party where someone forgot to change into more suitable attire before getting into the hot tub. The glass of wine might have something to do with that…
The dress is one of Salt & Pepper’s aquasense outfits and while it won’t react to non-SL water unless the water is scripted for that interaction, the HUD does allow you to set the clothing to wet or dry as you prefer. In this case, you can see how the soaked dress clings like a wet garment would.
The wood-fired hot tub comes from Dutchie and can be had either as a PG or Adult version. Both seat one or two people and include several animations with auto-attaching props like the wine glass.
Body Parts: Maitreya Lara body, Maitreya hands & feet, LeLutka Lake head, LeLutka eyes
Skin: alaskametro Karma Tone 3
Hair: Wasabi Popsicle (The Fifty)
Clothes: Salt & Pepper Quistis Berry
Decor: Dutchie Wood Burning Hot Tub, Trompe Loeil Modern Villa