Winter Mustangs
Today is the last day of the 12th SL Christmas Expo & Winter Breedables Fair and I’ve let the mustangs out to run wild in the snow. These horses were made with the Teeglepet Fjord Horse and then I applied the new Mustang shape deformer from Mythril. It is available at the Breedables Fair as a donation item for the American Cancer Society and I am really happy with the resulting shape. It gives you a sturdy little horse that looks strong and rugged.
The two horses in front also have coats from the Breedables Fair, from Run for the Roses, and both Santa’s Cookies & Cream and Rustic Pinto are limited editions and donation items. I am afraid I don’t recall what the other three coats are, I didn’t note it down when I set the horses up. (That is probably my number one wish for the Teeglepets, a way to see what applier is being worn.) But I’ll let that slip for this time, since the focusing is on the Expo anyway.
Teegle Teeglepet Fjord Horse
Teegle Parted Mane
Mythril Teeglepet Shape: Mustang for the Fjord (SL Christmas Expo & Winter Breedables Fair)
Mythril Poses: Action and Poses: Dressage
Run for the Roses Santa’s Cookies & Cream and Rustic Pinto (SL Christmas Expo & Winter Breedables Fair)