Creatures of Fire
Once again, a dragon avatar turns out to be the perfect way of showcasing a new release from Fanatik. Last time, it was a cave. This time? A volcano. And being creatures of fire, of course dragons love volcanos.
The Fanatik volcano includes 11 material/texture versions, changeable via a HUD. It can be dormant like the version shown but also have lava running down its sides. And for your winters and arctic settings, it can be snow-covered. The maximum size is approximately 64 x 60 x 19 m and at that size the land impact is 51 prims.
I’ve used the ramps from the Land Shapes package from Fanatik to elevate the volcano somewhat; one could of course go even further with this. I’d love to see some additional pieces for creating a landscape around the volcano which has the same textures, especially the lava.
My dragon avatar is, of course, from Prehistorica, the fantastic Valorian Dragon released for the Fantasy Faire. You can the dragon avatar from the Prehistorica mainstore or at the Marketplace