Mesh Hair
For someone who had (and still has) considerable reservations about the no-mod aspects of mesh, I do seem to be blogging a lot of it. ;) Given my reservations, I really want to highlight those creators that make mesh items that work for me as well as the types of mesh items that seem likely to work well for a range of shapes.
Today, the time has come for my first mesh hair, courtesy of Alice Project. This is actually my first hair from this creator, but I joined her subscriber during the last Hair Fair and today’s new release notice caught my attention when it advertised several mesh hairs.
I am also wearing the Magpie skin in China from Nomine, currently a part of Nomine’s great Marketplace sale where everything is just L$100, and the jewellery (earrings, necklace and ring) is by bewildebeest, a store with some very unique and personal jewellery. The large ring, in particular, drew me to this Vine set.