Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Fair Favourites

By Linda aka Freyja on September 21, 2011

Yesterday, Ran provided a guide to what you’ll find on each of the Jewelry Fair 2011 sims. Today, I thought I would pick out a favourite from each sim (in addition to the stores I’ve blogged earlier) to give a little more information about what they have to offer.

The stores in question will be CentoPallini from the Air sim, Ashira’s Aerie from the Earth sim, Studio Sidhe from the Fire sim and LOGO from the Water sim.

The Jewelry Fair is open until the 24th of September, so make sure to get over there before it closes to check out these and many, many other great stores. If you’re shopping on a budget, try some of the gatchas. If you are looking to spend a bit more, why not check out the Charity Auction pieces on the Air sim? Both the gatches and the Charity Auction, as well as selected pieces from each store, are raising money for Oxfam International, the Fair’s charity of choice.

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