Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Sebastian & Sebastianne

By Linda aka Freyja on October 06, 2011

Previously, I’ve featured a mesh hair from Alice Project. Now, there’s another store with mesh hair as well, Wasabi Pills. This store first came to mine and Ran’s attention for being one of the few to offer long hairs for men and for a bit of a focus on styles suited to roleplay looks. The first mesh release fits very well into this pattern. In fact, it started out as Sebastian for the guys and then became Sebastianne for the girls as well.

I am wearing the Ariadne skin by Adam n Eve and Ran is in Dave Gears from the Abyss. My panties are from Insolence and he is wearing Zaara boxers. The shot is taken in one of our NotSoBad houses.

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