Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

A Private Invitation

By Linda aka Freyja on June 24, 2012

It isn’t often that you get such a treat, but the skin I am wearing today is a new version of an old favourite; Zarya from Skin Within. It is available at Flawless Summer Lovin’ Sale for just L$50!

I am also wearing a drop-dead gorgeous new jewellery set from Earthstones and the mesh sari from {bilo} that came out some weeks ago.

I have to say, as much as I love new releases, I also like it when creators occasionally revisit older items and remake them to account for new skills and new technologies. Of course, I also tend to wear “older” skins quite frequently, as long as they hold up I see no reason to delete them just because they weren’t released last month!

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