Never one to let an opportunity for an interesting image go to waste, the fact that this excellent mesh statue of Michelangelo’s David was in the vicinity of the temple build I used for my previous photos reminded me that I do have something else new from Aeros that I should be reviewing…
Aeros continues to improve and expand its products—I noticed there’s at least a couple of new skins since I last visited—and I expect to hear a lot more from them in the future (they’ve already promised to update the Nemo to have improved scripting and new textures to match their skins). I should add, though, that the shot wouldn’t have happened without having found this beautifully-executed David pose by Su Voir. It’s a freebie that can be found in the Marketplace, along with a lot of female AOs and clothing. I think Su Voir’s definitely someone to keep an eye on, not least because I notice a few other artistically-inspired poses.