Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

More Hot than Cold

By Linda aka Freyja on December 08, 2012

A new round of Collabor88 opened today and I fell madly in love with the Leith boots from Schadenfreude. Indecision kept me from buying her gorgeous boots for the last round, so I was determined not to make the same mistake again and snapped these up right away. Conveniently, they provided another excuse to play with our new bed from Trompe Loeil. I also slipped back into the Five hair from Point B/Analog Dog, since I love it to bits.

More Hot than Cold

The Leith boots are gorgeous, thigh-high boots (rigged mesh, of course, and they come in sranwith buttons on the side and a foot-part like a pair of heels. In fact, you can also wear this as just the heels, or you can combine the upper part with (some) other shoes. The latter is a matter of experimenting.

More Hot than Cold

The options don’t stop there, however. Each colour comes with a hud that allows you to change the buttons between the six provided metal colours. And if you own more than one pair of boots, you can mix and match the colours of the boots. For example, I picked up the Holly and Pitch colours and did my boots as half and half. If you pick up more colours—there’s five in total, sold as singles or in a pack of all five—you can mix in even more contrasts.

More Hot than Cold

I decided to break out the Tease corset and gloves from 5th & Oxford to pair with the boots; I am sure they look fabulous with other things than lingerie, too, and they look really great with nothing else on. ;)

This round of Collabor88 has “Frosbite” as its theme, but these boots are definitely more hot than cold. Perhaps just the thing you need to warm up a cold winter evening?

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