Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

A House of Healing

By Linda aka Freyja on March 25, 2025

One of the buildings in the new Rome Series from Del-ka Aedilis is the Hospital Celsus, a combined residence and hospital for a medicus or healer.  The build features a beautiful garden, for relaxation as well as for growing medicinal plants, flanked by barracks with rooms for patients. At the end is a two-story building serving as a residence for the medicus. The build features PBR textures and the light from the fires illuminates it beautifully.

For a suitable outfit, I decided to make use of the newest release from Rakshasa for We Love Role-Play. The Fineas Camisk is…well, part of a Greek or Roman outfit, with a draped cloth that covers half the body and leaves the rest bare. In contrast to the rich fabric, it is tied with a rope that is matched by the ropes around the wrists. There are also matching laced sandals and those as well as the outfit are available for both male and female avatars. We’ll just say that the medicus of this hospital may believe in a bit of sexual healing as well. ;)

My hair is a brand new release from Raven Bell for the Engine Room. With the floral ornaments removed, I thought it could pass for a Romanesque style. Either way, it is a very pretty updo.

A House of Healing

A House of Healing

A House of Healing

A House of Healing


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