Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

A Lady of Learning

By Linda aka Freyja on May 18, 2021

I love well-researched period clothing and accessories and with this hennin Old Treasures has really hit the mark. A hennin is the classic “princess” headdress, a cone or steeple, often with a veil attached. They are associated with the late Middle Ages, particularly with Burgundy and France, which is why I opted for a Burgundian-style gown from the Muses to go with it. This is an older release, so it has two general fitmesh sizes rather than fitmesh for specific bodies, but that works fine for gowns.

A Lady of Learning

The library is constructed from a set by Fantavatar & Moonstruck and placed within the Arkaig Castle, which had tall enough rooms to allow me to build it two stories high and use the awesome library ladder. The set includes shelves with and without books and also separate sets of books if you want some half-filled shelves.

A Lady of Learning

A HUD with eight fabric colours is included with the hennin, making it easy to match to your dress. Depending on your mesh head and head size, you may need to resize and reposition it somewhat, but that should be fairly easy.


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Lake head, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro T3W Lydia Tone 0
Hair: EMO-tions Hairbase 6.0
Clothes: The Muses Ariane Burgundian
Accessories: Old Treasures Amelyn Hennin and Cross Gacha Simple Rosary Dark
Poses: Picture This! By Lantern Light
Decor: F&M Fantavatar & Moonstruck Medieval Modular Library, Fanatik Arkaig Castle

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