Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy


By Linda aka Freyja on October 15, 2020

Sometimes you discover frustrating information gaps. In this case, it was also accompanied by a surprising gap in my inventory, strange as that may seem with the size of it! You see, I tried to find either a sim or some decor to use for a photo of deviousMind’s distinctly steampunk-inspired Abigale outfit for the Engine Room. And I came up with nothing! Now, I probably could have gone shopping for something, but I was trying to mind my spending a bit.

In the end, that didn’t work out so well, because I suddenly had the idea of pairing the outfit with the skeleton horse if it could only be made a bit more mechanical-looking. Then I remembered the metallic skins from Mythril at the Shop & Hop. Perfect! Of course, I also needed some poses, because riding didn’t give quite the look I wanted. Back to the Shop & Hop I went to buy a pose pack from Mythril since they were discounted there.


And this is what we ended up with! I think the red metallic “coat” looks fantastic on Styx and the bow pose from the Glamour pack was just what I wanted.

The Abigale outfit from deviousMind is available either via a gacha or as a full pack direct purchase. There are lots of different ways to wear the included pieces, for a more or less covering look.


I used quite a dark windlight setting for these shots and played around with the PhotoPro tool from the maker of Animare. It is a handy little tool consisting of a HUD and a light setup with three lights and a projector. It allows you to save light setups together with EEP setups (though I used regular windlight) and in which you can also store poses. As with Animare, you can setup lights both for yourself and for another avatar.


Body Parts: Maitreya Lara body, Maitreya hands & feet, Vista Zoe head, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro T3W Abigail Tone 4 (Salem)
Hair: Mina Annie (Group Gift)
Clothes: deviousMind Abigale (Engine Room)
Companion: Companion: Teegle Styx the Skeleton Horse (Halloween Shop & Hop) with Mythril Skeleskins Regal Metals (Halloween Shop & Hop)
Poses: Mythril Poses: Glamour
Tools: PhotoPro (La Vie en Pose)

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