Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Alone at the Tavern

By Linda aka Freyja on November 22, 2022

Del-ka Aedilis latest release is a Roman tavern table (though it will fit into many historical/fantasy scenarios) that offers a selection of single and couple animations, for male and female avatars. Some of the animations, like the eating and drinking ones, include auto-rezzing props. I setup the table in one of the builds from Fanatik’s Roman village set; this one is technically a warehouse but works nicely as a tavern as well. The decor in the background is also from Del-ka Aedilis.

Proper Roman clothing for women is pretty hard to come by in SL, so I opted for more of a fantasy look with the Pandora gown from Tres. The Celeste hair from Magika isn’t all that Roman either, but very pretty. Red hair was quite popular, often achieved with various more or less disgusting bleaching methods and then henna on top of that.

Alone at the Tavern

Alone at the Tavern


Body Parts:  Maitreya Lara body, Maitreya hands & feet, LeLutka Erin head, LeLutka eyes
Skin: alaskametro Kismet II Tone 2
Hair: Magika Celeste
Clothes:  TRES Pandora
Accessories: Angelicus Etruscan Necklace & Earrings
Decor:  Del-ka Aedilis Tavern Table Set Popina (We Love Role-Play), Civitas Series - Ancestral Masks, Civitas Series - Roman Oil Lamp, Civitas Series - Roman Console Table and Civitas Series - Culina Amphoras, Fanatik Roman Village Warehouse 2

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