Bath Time for Two
I could really use a nice, relaxing bath right now. For the last two weeks, Ran and I have fought through a massive upgrade of our site and it has been both exhausting and nerve-wracking. This little SL blog may not seem like much, but it happens to share a database and backend with our other site which is just a little big bigger and busier. Still, one of the more problematic aspects of the upgrade turned out to be the images for Otherworldly, so at the moment you won’t see any on the previous posts as we’ll have to add those back in by hand.
But, enough about such woes for now. Remember that bath? I was at least able to take a relaxing (and fun…NSFW images inside) bath in the new Collabor88 release from Trompe Loeil.

The Rustic Barrel Bath is just the thing for taking a warm, cosy bath outside, even as the temperature is dropping. As long as the water is hot, you’ll be in heaven.
The bath and the base can either be rezzed together or used separately and the bath matches the Barrel Beds released for FaMESHed for November. In addition to this Rustic version there is also a White version, with a paler stone base.

The bath is, of course, expertly crafted and textured, with amazing attention to details. Just look at the faucets, for example. Outside the window, btw, you can catch sight of one of the revamped mesh trees from Trompe Loeil.
There are solo poses as well, but with a bath this big, you may very well want some company and then there are some very sweet couple poses available.

Not to mention some more naughty ones if you pick up the Adult version of the bath, but there’s also one with just the PG options. And there’s also a pair of solo naughty poses, in case you are alone but still want to have some fun in your bath.

Doesn’t that look cosy? We’re both wearing body co skins, btw, and of course we’ve got our feet and (in my case) hands from Slink on. My hair is Truth’s contribution to the Tomorrow Today fundraiser. Its a steal at L$300 for all colours.
Judging by the latest Trompe Loeil releases, I might need some kind of subscription that just auto-buys each of them for me. I am just in love with the details in these pieces and the moods that they help set. I just really wish I had one of these baths for real at the moment; I would toss in a few bath bombs from Lush and just sink in to soak away the last two weeks.