Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Birds of a Feather

By Linda aka Freyja on January 19, 2023

One can do worse for exotic glamour than taking inspiration from the flamboyant peacock, as Chandra Meehan has done for her Parvani set, available at the NextUp event both in a NextUp version and in a fatpack of all commons and rares. There’s 25 pieces in total in the set; 22 commons divided across tops & panties and belts & tails, 1 rare full outfit, 2 rare props. Two of the common sets feature peacock markings and I am showing one of these, “Lapis Peacock”, together with one of the props. The column includes two leaning poses for showing off your fancy new outfit.

Birds of a Feather


Body Parts:  Maitreya Lara body, Maitreya hands & feet, LeLutka Lilly head, LeLutka eyes
Skin: alaskametro T3W Abigail Tone 2
Hair: Wasabi Asha
Clothes:  deviousMind Parvani Lapis Peacock (NextUP)
Decor: deviousMind Parvani Little Peacocks Pose Prop (NextUP)

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