Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Bound to Please

By Linda aka Freyja on February 18, 2018

Thanks to a giveaway by Violetility, I received a copy of the Bound Box for February. This is a subscription boxed aimed at the BDSM/Kinky community in Second Life. I considered doing an unboxing vlog, but given the nature of the box I decided to take a look at the contents first and determined that photos might be a better way to show it off. So, what I am going to do is pick my favourites from the box and show them across a few posts, intermixed with other items. For this first post, I selected the items from Dictatorshop and Essenz, which I paired with among other things new releases from Wasabi and Luxuria. I am also wearing glittery makeup from alaskametro’s Alchemy gacha at the Cosmetic Fair.

Bound to Please

The Boudoir Stool from Dictatorshop for Bound may look pretty innocent but it is packed full of adult poses catering to M/f, F/m, M/m and F/f. There are also two menus of solo poses, one with regular sits and one with submissive sits. The stool offers a selection of textures and includes auto-attaching props and full RLV compliance.

The Casablance heels from Essenz, another Bound item, include sizes for Belleza, Maitreya and Slink and come with a full fatpack HUD of colours.

Bound to Please

Luxuria’s bodysuit for ROMP offers two texture options per colour—with or without handprints on the bottom. For this photo, I naturally opted for the handprint version. The bodysuit comes in six colours and include appliers for Maitreya/Slink and Omega.

Bound to Please


On Freyja:

Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Cate, Mayfly eyes
Skin: PXL Ava Olive
Cosmetics: alaskametro Alchemy Eyeshadow & Lipstick (Cosmetic Fair)
Hair: Wasabi Oops (Rewind: Y2K)
Clothes: Luxuria Vivian Bodysuit Black (
Accessories: Essenz Casablanca (Bound Box February 2018)

On Ran:

Body Parts: TMP Male Body, Logo Logan Mesh Head
Skin: Tableau Vivant Sebastian
Hair: Exile Alternate Ideas

Decor: Dictatorshop Boudoir Stool - Adult (Bound Box February 2018), Noble Creations Vanity Set, Paper Moon Grand Cupped Curtains: Rococo


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