Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Christmas Girl

By Linda aka Freyja on December 22, 2018

I managed to find a little time between preparing various dishes for Christmas to make a new vlog for Otherworldly, focusing on Vista’s new bento head and a few other items, such as recent releases from lassitude & ennui and paper moon. As usual, I have the credits at the end of the post. And yes, the Astrology contest I mention in the video is still going on, so check it out.

Christmas Girl


Body Parts: Maitreya Lara body, Slink hands & feet, Vista Emily, Vista eyes
Skin: YS&YS (on Emily HUD)
Cosmetics: alaskametro Noelle
Hair: Astrology London
Clothes: lassitude & ennui Adelia Dress (Eclipse)
Accessories: lassitude & ennui Victoria Boots (We Love Role-Play), Junbug Dreamer’s Necklace
Poses: Serendipity
Decor: Paper Moon Winter Time Tartan Curtains (Winter’s Hollow) and Victorian Christmas Banners

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