Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Cocktail Lovers Chair

By Linda aka Freyja on January 10, 2019

We’ve finally gotten some proper winter temperatures (but no snow, alas) so it seems perfect to warm things up with a review of Dutchie’s latest release, the Cocktail Lovers Chair. As it is packed full of carefully chosen animations, I opted for doing a video to show a selection of the PG couple animations as well as preview some of the additional menus available in the adult version of the chair. In addition to that, I have included a selection of photos with this post. There are naked pixels below, though nothing too raunchy even if there is plenty of options for that among the animations. The Adult chair comes 20 female and 20 male solo animations, 20 cuddles and kisses, 80 FP and sex animations and 11 sequences. It includes auto-attaching props (PG and Adult) and supports auto-tilting for Aeros (Adult only). Both versions of the chair offer 3 texture options for the fabric.

The Jaz hair from Wasabi, their release for the ongoing round of Uber, also includes a version with a hat. The bra & knickers from Junbug (which I picked up at her massive sale) include three versions for the bra and two for the knickers, at varying stages of undress.

Cocktail Lovers Chair

Cocktail Lovers Chair

Cocktail Lovers Chair


On Freyja:

Body Parts: Maitreya Lara body, Maitreya hands & feet, LeLutka Simone, Mayfly eyes
Skin: League Alessa Fair
Hair: Wasabi Jaz (Uber)
Clothes: Junbug Baby Girl Bra & Knickers Cream

On Ran:

Body Parts: Slink Physique Male body, Slink hands & feet, Vista Gerard, Vista Gerard eyes
Skin: Clef de Peau Gerard Tone 3
Hair: Exile Can’t Stop the Feeling

Decor: Dutchie Cocktail Lovers Chair Adult

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