Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy


By Linda aka Freyja on May 10, 2016

A sudden heatwave, intent on making up for what has been a rather dreary spring so far, has made sitting in front of a computer less than comfortable. Alas, my work involves sitting right there, so from time to time I might as well take a break to play around in Second Life (one of the benefits of working for yourself). It seemed appropriate to use one of the houses in our little desert considering the weather.


The Bella lingerie set is Luxuria’s release for the Gacha Garden. The Bella set comes in eight common colours and the rare set (in black) includes garters and stockings. There’s also the Seed of Inspiration, which is awarded after you play the machine 20 times. These are event exclusives that are retired after the event. For the Bella gacha this prize is a matching bodysuit in two colours.

The gorgeous Dewdrop belt and matching necklace are from ieQED. Each come with a HUD for several pearl, metal and stone colours. The belt is available at We Love Role-Play and the necklace at the Chapter Four.


A look at the back of the Bella set and of the Omega hair by Analog Dog, which was released for the Fantasy Faire. The top is unrigged mesh, so it can be resized and repositioned, and the tail are flexi prims.

I am also wearing the Kismet skin by alaskametro, with Zara eyeshadow and Matte Dark lips by the same. The poses are again from oOo Studios Velvet set.

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