Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy


By Linda aka Freyja on April 13, 2015

If you or someone you know is in need of some correction, then elymode might have just what you need at the Pose Fair. Elysium had passed me one of the two sets featured in this post, and then when she wondered if the poses in the other set would work for a guy as well as a girl, I immediately volunteered Ran as a guinea pig. As it turned out, he was quite pleased with the arrangement. ;)


The first of the two sets is the Spanking Bench. It comes with six poses, some with variations for head/neck position and all with mirrors, for maximum flexibility. The bench itself is texture change, offering both darker hues, pastels and neutrals, and comes in a version with and a version without materials. The overall feel of the bench and the poses is more on the sweet than dirty end of kinky, which is a nice variation on much of what’s on offer in terms of adult poses. This is perfect for some kinky fun and for pictures that aren’t full-on adult since its easy to shoot them in less…showy ways.


The second set is the newest addition to elymode’s Yes Ma’am series, which this time features a bamboo cane (also available separately). The set comes with six poses, plus mirrors, and as you can see from these pictures they are perfectly useable for a male as well as a female avatar. I really like the attitude of these poses, whether its about swinging the cane or standing around and looking dominant.

The finishing touch, so to speak, is the whip marks from Ama. They come in three intensities (this was medium, I believe) and for ass or thighs.


The hair I am wearing is Tableau Vivant‘s offering for We Love Role-Play, a style named Namiriel which comes with and without bangs. Its definitely a bit of a fantasy style, mixing braids with long, loose hair, but it also has a bit of a tousled, sexy feel to it that I liked for these shots. The style also comes with butterflies, but that didn’t feel quite right for this shot!

My skin is Imogen from Imabee in the pale Apical tone and I am wearing stockings for Slink Physique from Adam n Eve. The jewellery is the Fairy Rings set from Sax Shepherd Designs—I do love waist chains/belts! Ran is wearing Adam Crius from the Abyss, a hair by Dura and another outfit from Heathcliff. The wax candles in the background are from aisling and other props from Libertine.

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